Privacy Policy

The Platform-'Tiger Games' is crafted to empower users residing in specific states of India (collectively referred to as "Users," or "you" in various grammatical forms) by granting them access to a diverse array of online skill-based games. These encompass online board games, card games, and opinion trading. Our mission is to provide a dynamic and engaging online gaming experience to Users, enabling their participation in skill-based games that challenge and entertain. Tiger Games is dedicated to offering a secure and enjoyable environment for gaming enthusiasts across select states in India.

Types of Information Gathered

At Tiger Games, we acquire various types of information to deliver our services effectively. Below are the types of information we may gather:

Information You Provide: Upon registration on our Platform, you will be required to furnish your name, email address, mobile number, display picture, social media account ID (if provided), and other pertinent profile details. Additionally, when utilizing features such as adding or withdrawing cash for cash Games, you will need to furnish your bank account details, and for cash withdrawal, your Permanent Account Number (PAN). In certain cases, such as referral programs or team play options, you may furnish us with personal information about another individual.

Transaction Details: When you engage in cash transactions related to your Account, we collect and retain transaction specifics, including the payment method employed, the amount added to your Account, and the transaction date and time.

Interaction Information: Telephonic interactions with customer support may be recorded and stored.

Technical Information: We automatically gather specific technical details when you use our Platform, including your IP address, location, unique device identifiers, browser type, language, the URL of the website that directed you to our Platform, and cookies.

Usage Information: When you take part in games on our Platform, we amass information associated with your interaction with the Platform and other Users. This encompasses the date and time of access, location, money expended on each game, duration of gameplay, and game formats participated in.

Messages: Messages sent or received on our Platform, as well as other content you upload or share, are collected.

Cookies: We employ cookies to recognize your browser and store information you have consented to provide. Cookies aid us in improving your experience on our Platform. You have the option to manage your cookie settings in your browser, but deactivating all cookies may impact your overall experience.

Web Beacons: We utilize web beacons, which are embedded in web pages and work in conjunction with cookies to monitor your interactions with our Platform. Deactivating cookies may also affect the effectiveness of web beacons.

Certain information is obligatory and indispensable for us to provide our services effectively. Failure to provide this mandatory information may restrict your access to certain features of our Platform.

At Tiger Games, we hold data privacy in high regard and utilize gathered information to enhance your gaming experience while abiding by applicable privacy regulations. Your trust and contentment are of great importance to us.

*Automatically Collected Personal Information

Tiger Games automatically gathers specific personal information when you interact with our online services. This includes:

Location Data: For heightened security, service enhancement, and fraud prevention, we collect location data, encompassing both current and past geographic information, GPS coordinates, transaction location specifics, and the IP addresses associated with our Services. We obtain precise location data with your explicit consent, utilizing methods such as GPS, Wi-Fi, wireless network triangulation, or other location technologies. Additionally, we may estimate your location using your IP Address and employ the Google Maps API for location determination.

Usage and Device Data Acquired Automatically via Tracking Technologies: In order to deliver a personalized and enriched user experience, we, in collaboration with our third-party partners, automatically gather specific usage information when you utilize our Services. This data is typically acquired through a variety of tracking technologies, including cookies, Flash objects, web beacons, embedded scripts, and similar mechanisms. Examples of the information we collect include your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, device specifications, operating system, date and time stamps, unique identifiers, and related data. These technologies play a vital role in ensuring a top-tier experience on our Services and contribute to targeted advertising initiatives. Additionally, we may gather the names of third-party applications downloaded on your device from the device manufacturer.

Storage Permissions: Storage permissions are employed for downloading and reading updated APK files in Files & Folders during app updates. Furthermore, they are utilized to read files for the application of referral codes on the login screen. If you prefer, you have the option to adjust your cookie settings. Many browsers offer choices to manage whether cookies are accepted, declined, or if you receive notifications when a cookie is sent. Rejecting cookies may limit your access to specific features on our Services and other websites. Please consult your browser's documentation to gain a comprehensive understanding of these settings, as they may vary among browsers and technologies. Additionally, you can configure your email settings to prevent the automatic download of images that may contain tracking technologies.

Do-Not-Track Signals and Comparable Mechanisms:

We utilize and process the gathered information for various purposes, including:

  • Issuing transaction-related notifications like confirmations, invoices, technical alerts, and product updates.
  • Engaging with you for customer service, feedback, and notifications.
  • Conducting research and analytics to comprehend our audience and customize our product offerings.
  • Supplying updates about our products, services, contests, and promotions.
  • Providing suggestions and recommendations based on your interests.
  • Monitoring, managing, and enhancing our Services.
  • Elevating the safety and security of our Services.
  • Carrying out audits, safeguarding our legal rights, and adhering to legal obligations.

Your privacy is a cornerstone for us, and we handle your information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

*Revealing Personal Information

While using our Services, you may encounter links to content provided by third parties over which we have no control. It's crucial to note that we do not hold responsibility for the privacy practices employed by these third parties or for the content available on their platforms. Additionally, the information practices of these third parties are not governed by this Privacy Policy.

It's important to understand that these third-party services have their own privacy policies and terms of use. We strongly advise you to thoroughly review their respective privacy policies and terms of use to gain a comprehensive understanding of how they collect, utilize, and share your information.

We prioritize your privacy and data security, and we urge you to exercise caution and consider your privacy when interacting with external links and services provided by third parties.

*Transferring Personal Information

At present, our Services are tailored for use exclusively in specific designated markets. If you happen to utilize our Services from a jurisdiction outside of these specified markets, please be aware that the information collected through our Services may be stored and processed in the United States or any other country where YesNo Games, its parent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, or service providers operate.

This implies that your personal information may be subject to the laws and regulations of the country where it is being processed, which could differ from the privacy laws of your own jurisdiction. By choosing to use our Services, you are providing your consent for the transfer and processing of your personal information in these locations, in accordance with our privacy practices.

We place a strong emphasis on data privacy and security, and we are dedicated to upholding the protection and confidentiality of your personal information in compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. Your trust and privacy are of paramount importance to us, and we are committed to ensuring the safeguarding of your data, regardless of the location of its processing.